REVERSION scores double win

Tuesday 31 July 2012

The Beginning Draws Near...

As I write this, 3 GB of HD Video with Stereo Audio are now being prepared for their final installation into the streaming service of our choice.

In less than a week, we will be ready to share REVERSION with all of you.

(More after the page break)

It is hard to describe what it is like to complete a project at this scale.  When you watch your first cartoon, maybe at age 5 or 7, you think about what it would be like to make one.  Sometimes the drive to make one stays with you.  Sometimes it gets buried, as you go through other interests, school, and your career.  It lies dormant.  But it never disappears.  Then it comes back.  And sometimes, you get to act on that question.

In 2010 when we started REVERSION we had no concept of whether we would make it to the end, or what kind of changes we would need to undergo to do something at this level without even an inkling of the resources available at Art or Animation Schools.

We were hobbyists, "fans", untrained, and it was possible we dabbled into this a bit too early in terms of our skill level.

Two and a half years, and 16,045 OpenEXR frames later.  It is finished. 

Making this film changed us in many ways.  First of all, it changed us as people.  Not because we think we are better than others, but it changed us in that we, from our average ages being less than 20 years old, learned what it was like to set deadlines and a plan for ourselves and finish it.

It changed us as artists.  REVERSION demanded in reality a level of output higher than any of us individually could produce at the time we convened together.  Sometimes we look back and we still wonder how we pulled off all of it.

Two and a half years, 16,045 High Definition images.  It suddenly feels like only yesterday everything was just pencil drawings.  Today, we are preparing for its delivery.

I have said before that we always regretted never having prepared to make an orderly document or book regarding the production of this film.  In the last few weeks, we have tried explaining to friends, peers, and others about our Parallel processes, and our Cell-based system.

While we do not fancy ourselves as being masters - We believe we will be Learners throughout our lives - we sincerely believe others can learn from what we experienced also.

Thus, in the next few days leading up to REVERSION's official opening we will be making public the three Visual Effects documents that were authored by our Visual Effects Technical Director when Pre-Production concluded for REVERSION.

This will form the next stage of our sharing.
The first document will be shared within the next 24 - 48 hours.

I am grateful for your presence here, and I am thankful for the patience, support, and excitement shown by the community-at-large for this project.

Sit back and I hope you enjoy the show.


  1. Good thoughts there. Staying focused for 2.5 yrs is hard. Not to mention personal life and other commitments. Wish you guys luck.

  2. Without having seen the film, I already congratulate you all on finishing this project. Much of what you said in this blog post rings true and brings back memories.

    And I think everyone who finishes a project like this is a valid source of insight. I am sure you have found unique ways of tackling the problems you faced and getting to know them will be very interesting.

    Wish you all the best for the release and of course beyond that for the distribution and marketing.
